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Resilient Cities 2019 | We would like to thank you for the interesting discussions and contacts and are pleased to publish the following information from ICLEI: „ICLEI Resilient Cities 2019 Congress concluded last week and we would like to express our warm gratitude for your support in making this event a success! During the course of three days over 555 participants from more than 60 countries both from the Golbal South and North took part in more than 40 sessions, workshops and panels. Highlights of the event are featured on the City Talk blog and ICLEI website. Pictures taken throughout the Congress can be accessed on ICLEI Flickr page and congress presentations will be available on the ICLEI website shortly.“ See you next year!
Meet us at the European Coating Show 2019 | European Coating Show 2019Meet us at Europe´s leading Conference on Coatings, Adhesives, Sealants and Construction Chemicals from 19 to 21 March 2019 in Nuremberg. Interested in experiments and numerical analysis about porous mineral systems? Reactive transport in porous mineral systems – experiments and numerical analytics Do you want to talk about the latest innovations on construction chemicals? Watch Prof. Dr. Andreas Gerdes moderating the Session 20: construction chemicals II on Tuesday, 13:30-17:00h. Visit the following sessions:
Auftakt der Weiterbildungsreihe "Strecke dich, Brücke!" | Die Themenfelder der Weiterbildungsveranstaltung 2021 sind in 3 Module unterteilt: Werkstoffe, Schadensprozesse und Zustandsanalyse im Hochbau kommunaler Infrastruktur. Die Module sind als Präsenzveranstaltungen in Karlsruhe im September geplant. |